MacHack 1994
MacHack 1994.toast
MacHack™ 1987-1994
MacHack™ '92
MacHack '92 Attendees
Text File
308 lines
Darin Adler General Magic Darin.Adler@generalmagic.com, AL : darin.adler
Rajiv Aggarwal Motionworks AL D2276
Christopher Allen Consensus Development AL: Consensus, AOL: AFL MacDev
David Alverson Alverson Software AL:Alverson.SW
Dino Anastasia University of Michigan - ITD
Fritz Anderson NewMedia
Michael Angelo Creative Learning Systems Inc.
Steve Antonakes FORESIGHT.SW
John Ardussi Masters Publishing Co AL D2753
John Bastie Faceware AL: D1323
Patrick Beard Berkeley Systems, Inc. beard@ux5.lbl.gov
Brian Bechtel Apple Computer Inc
Ben Beecher Stellar Software beecher@cunixf.cc.columbia.edu
Michael Bentley Crenelle crenelle
Bernie Bernstein bernard@cs.colorado.edu
Steven Bobker Raw Fish Systems CIS 72511,45
Keith Bossert Scan-Graphics Inc. AL:scangraphics
Bruce Boughner
Scott Boyd Apple Computer Inc AL: Scott
Kathy Brade University of Michigan Brade@umich.edu
William Brandt Wayne State University AL: U1484, Internet: wbrandt@cms.cc.wayne.edu
Bill Brehm University of Michigan - ITD
William Britton Hydrotech Microsystems AL: hydrotech
Don Brown CE Software Inc.
Jorg Brown Now Software, Inc. CompvServe 73177,1404 Apple Link NOWSOFTWARE
David Burk
Gifford Calenda Apple Computer, Inc GIFFORD
Paul Campbell SuperMac Technologies AL: Campbell.P
bRYgUY Carter Apple Computer, Inc AL: BRYGUY
Henry Chow
Mark Chung Institute for Learning Sciences chung@ils.nwu.edu
Rob Churchill University of Michigan - ITD
John Clark Clark Works, Inc. AL D3868
Richard Clark Apple Computer, Inc AL: RDClark
Marshall Clow Hewlett Packard AL: hp.marshall, IN: marshall@sdd.hp.com
Judy Conrad Hewlett Packard
Jonathan Cook MindVision Software AL Mindvision
Kevin Cooper Mainstay AL: D0397, CIS: 76004,1525
Wayne Correia Apple Computer, Inc AL: Anarchist
Joseph Cotter
William Courtois Environmental Protection Agency
Andrew Craze Microsoft Corp
Mark Dalrymple Visix Software markd@visix.com
Mark Darling
Brian Dasher Faceware AL: D1323
Michael Dauterman University of Michigan, CITI myke@umich.edu
John Davis sigma.engr
Neil Day Apple Computer Inc NMDAY @APPLELINK.APPLE.COM
Don DeCaprio CompuServe 70004,1074(compuserve)
Willliam DenBesten Bowling Green State University denbeste@bgsu.edu, or denbesten@bgsuopie.bitnet
Chris Derossi Apple Computer Inc AL: CHRIS
Bob Desoff
Peter DiCamillo Brown University Computer Information Systems AL: A0216, IN: peter@brownvm.brown.edu
Timothy Dierks Apple Computer, Inc AL: Absurd
Andrew Dignan Laminar
Michael Domino Lotus Corp
Andrew Donoho Donoho Design Group AL DDG.SELF
Roger Dornberger Environmental Protection Agency
Tom Dowdy Apple Computer, Inc dowdy@apple. com
Ron Duritsch Pharos Technologies AL: Pharos.tech
Thomas Eaton IDS Corp. AL: coda.music
Vicki Elster
John Endres CompuServe 70003,4655(compuserve)
Michael Engber The Institute for Learning Science engber@aristotle.ils.nwu.edu
Cameron Esfahani University of Michigan - CAEN
Edward Estabrook
Christopher Evans Natural Intelligence Natural
Thomas Everth te-software
Dave Falkenburg University of Michigan - CAEN
Steven Falkenburg Apple Computer, Inc AL: SFalken
Steve Fauré Hotwire Labs Inc AL: D4527
Brian Fitzgerald HAL Labs AL:Do366
Richard D. Fleischman Apple Computer, Inc AL: Fleischman
Richard Ford Falcon Microsystems
Allan Foster GURU AL :Allan, MacNet Foster, GEnie A.Foster, uucp afoster@cse.ogc.edu
John Foster SS/O AL: SSO
Michael Fox Apple Computer, Inc
Nathaniel Frampton Advanced Technology and Research Group
Jay Friedland Quorum Software Systems jay.friedland@quorum.com
A. J. Fuller Bowling Green State University afuller@bgsu.edu
Brian Gaeke Cincinnati Country Day School usrG720a@tso.uc.edu-Brian Baeke@apple link.conv
James Gallagher First Logistics AL: D0980
Jonathan Gary University of Rochester, Dept of Medical Informatics AL A0326
Sean Gately DuPage Schools Credit Union Sean1
Rob Gayvert Rip Research
Tony Giaccone
Dan Gilliam University of Delaware gilliam@asel.udel.edu
Linda Glasscock Expotech, Inc
Tammy Gniffke Apple Computer Inc Gniffke
James Goebel Gene Codes AL: D4269
Christopher Goodman University of Michigan
Ann Gordon University of Michigan - CAEN
Marsh Gosnell CE Software Inc.
Bob Grammens
Douglas Grayson
Bill Guschwan Apple Computer Inc AL:Angus
Brian Hall Mark/Space Softworks AL: Markspace
Brian Hamlin Noesis Software Construction AL: D0781
Ed Harp Pharos Technologies PHAROS.TECH ALINK
Jim Hathaway
Christopher Haupt Rochester Institute of Technology cfhacc@ritvax.isc.rit.edu
Eric Hayes Now Software ALink NOWSOFTWARE
Mark Hayes Software Transformation SOFTTRAN@AppleLink
Carl Haynes Purdue University
Harold Hedges LR Family Practice
Peter Helme Apple Computer, Inc AL: Eelpout
Dewayne Hendricks Tetherless Access Ltd. AL: D6547, CIS 75210,10
Bill Hibbert
Clay Hibbert
Ron Hochsprung Apple Computer Inc
Chuck Hoffman GTE Labs cah@GTE.com
Devon Holder Hendrick College
Waldemar Horwat Waldemar@hx.lcs.mit.edu
Douglas Houseman AL: X2355
Dave Howarth Larvae D2416
Jim Huddle Challenger Center Apple Link eclipse
Todd Hunter Westinghouse Savannah River Co.
Fred Huxham Apple Computer Inc Fred
Alan Insley Crenelle crenelle
Eric Iverson Wayne State University AL U1601, IN: eiverson@cms.cc.wayne.edu@INTERNET#
William Johnson Exodus Software AL D0814
Gary Kacmarcik Larvæ cumulus.eng,platypus@curie.ces.cwru.edu
Michael Kahl Enginuity Mike
Jon Kalb
Edward Kandrot Software Transformation, Inc. Apple Link- SOFT TRAN
Kent Kanipe Comshare
Marvin Karlberg Symantec Corp.
Mike Kennedy CompuServe CompuServe:70003,5776
Judy Kettenhofen Apple Computer, Inc AL: Judy
Yat Keung Institute for Learning Sciences yat@ils.nwu.edu
Chris Khoury
Steve Kiene MindVision Software AL Mindvision
Kevin Killion Stone House Systems AL: Stonehouse
Gregory King Sciex
Nick Kledzik Apple Computer Inc
Timothy Knox K2 (Squared) Consulting AOL: megabozo (but no access currently)
Brad Kollmyer Vital Consulting
Jim Kopas
Nick Kopas
Yanni Kouskoulas University of Michigan - CAEN
Scott Kovatch CompuServe 70004,117 (compuserve)
David Koziol DPK Software Dave.koziol@umich.edu; AL: Koziol
Robert Kretschmer K2 (Squared) Consulting
Ralph Krug Consultant CIS 71101,3675; AL RKrugPE
Eric Krumm Compuserve Inc AL: Compuserve, CIS 70004,4433, AOL WesRoger
Bakki Kudva Navaco AppleLink D 5628
Christopher Lapp Auto Digest USA christopher c lapp @.cup.portal.com
Steve Larkin
Steve Lavagnino Language Systems
Michael Leahy Navistar International AL:Bookup
John LeFor Microsoft Corp.
Mike LeHaye University of Michigan - ITD
Simeon Leifer CE Software Inc.
Meredith Lesly Enginuity
Stephen Lewis The Aerospace Corp. slewis@aero.org
Steven Lewis MTS Aerospace Corp.
Oscar Linares
Steve Link Design Link 71140,2156-COMPUSERVE
Tom Lippincott Software Ventures lippincott@math.berkeley.edu
Larry Lipsmeyer Edge Consulting Edge.Consult (AppleLink)
B. Mitchell Loebel Parallel Processing Connection
Stan Logan stan@tso.jc.edu
Shane Looker GlamourWare Software AL: Pharos.tech, AOL: Looker1
Don Louv Apple Computer, Inc. Louv
James Luther Apple Computer, Inc AL: Luther.J
Richard Lynch Institute for Learning Sciences lynch@ils.nwu.edu
Carol Lynn Expotech, Inc AL: Expotech
Kevin MacDonell Apple Computer, Inc AL: MacDonell.K
Philippe Magnaldi Protections Logicielles AL protect.log
Rodney Magnuson Symantec
Roger Mann Apple Computer, Inc MANN.R (AL)
Greg Marriott Apple Computer, Inc. AL GREG
Brian McGhie Apple Computer, Inc. AL: Brian
Andrew McKay DEFT AL: deft
Douglas McKenna Mathemaesthetics, Inc AL: Resorcerer
Roberta Meganck Expotech, Inc
Kevin Mellander Apple Computer Inc AL; mellander.k
Brita Meng Shiva Corp AL: Brita
Lance Merker Mainstay AppleLink:00397 CIS: 76004,1525
Bob Meyers
Jeff Miller Apple Computer, Inc. AL: JeffM
William Monk Monkworks AL: Monk
Fred Monroe Apple Computer Inc AL: Fredm
Rob Moore Apple Computer Inc LUNATIC
Aimée Moran Expotech, Inc AL: Expotech
Esther Murphy Xerox Special Information Systems
Mark Murphy Wayne State University AL: U1601, mmurphy@cms.cc.wayne.edu
Russell Nagy Metatec D6439
Larry Nedry Apple Computer Inc
Larry Nedry Apple Computer AL:Nedry
Michael Neil University of Michigan - CAEN
Mike Neil Computer Aided Engineering NetworkUniversity of Michigan
David Nelson Nuvo Labs DO129
James Nelson Chrysalis Microsystems Inc
D. Jay Newman Pennsylvania State University dn5@PSUVM.psu.edu
Phil Nguyen Apple Computer, Inc Nguyen.P
Henry Norr MacWeek cis:76117,1770; AL:macweek
John Norstad Northwestern University AL A0173
Brian Novack afabrian@aol.com
Brian Novack
Tom O'Brien
Tamar Offer Institute for Learning Sciences Tanar@aristotle.ils.nwu.edu
Lorn Olson
Eric Omoig Microsoft Corp.
Bruce Oshaben
Sean Parent Apple Computer, Inc AL: Parent
Vincent Parsons University of Texas at Austin
Margie Pelham-Foster Central Point Software AL GURU
Brian Phillips
Kurt Pines CIS: 76264,1274
Thomas Pittman Itty-Bitty Computers D3353
Alex Popadich Cybernet Systems Corp. popadich@um.cc.umich.edu
John Powers Apple Computer Inc. AL:John Powers
Jon Prettyman TechMar
Rebecca Price Triangle
David Radcliffe Apple Computer, Inc. AL: Ortiz1
Timothy Rand Yale School of Medicine rand@wardsgi.med.yale.edu
Bryan Randolph
Charlie Reading CompuServe AL:CompuServe
Jim Reekes Apple Computer, Inc. REEKES
Christopher Reeves Microsoft Corp. D7267-Christopher Reeves
Bryan Ressler Adobe Systems, Inc AL: Adobe.beaker
David Richey Richey Software Training
Stephen Rieger Personal Bibliographic Software AL D0017 (Rick Thomas)
Alex Rosenberg Apple Computer Inc AL: AlexR, IN: AlexR@Apple.com
Leonard Rosenthol Aladdin Systems AL: Macgician, GEnie: Magician
Dan Rudman University of Michigan - CAEN
John C. Russ Analytical Vision
Al Salazar Cybernet Systems Corp. Heidi Jacobus@um.cc.umich.edu
Mary Lynn Samford Consultant MLSAMFORD@all.com
Matt Samford Community High School
Fred Sanchez
Ray Sanders Green Grass Software, Inc AL: D5462, CIS:70277,3233
Kent Sandvik Apple Computer, Inc AL: KSand
Paul Satterlee
Stuart Schechter Ohio State University sschechter@idicli.idi.battelle.org
Herb Schilling NASA Lewis Research Center sshws@convxl.lerc.nasa.gov
Stuart Schmukler SPSS Inc.
Bradley Seaman
Gordon Sefchik EDS
Barry Semo IN:barrys@netcom.com
Brad Serbus brad_serbus@um.cc.umich.edu
Azfar Shamsi Indiana University East Ashamsi @ UCS. Indiana. Edu.
Eric Shapiro Rock Ridge Enterprises AL D1313
David Shayer Sentient Software AL: Shayer
Gordon Sheridan Apple Computer, Inc AL: Gordon
Kathleen Sheridan DuPage Schools Credit Union
Gary Siebert Cybernet Systems
Bruce Siegan
Mar-10-Z Sims
Eric Sink Spyglass, Inc. e-sink@uiuc.edu
Eric Slosser SciComp Software AOL: ESLOSSER
Matt Slot University of Michigan - CAEN
Paula Smith Expotech, Inc. AL: Expotech
Robertson Reed Smith Claris Corp AL: Hyperzealot
David Snearline University of Michigan - CAEN
Stephan Somogyi MacUser Magazine AL: Somogyi
Karl Soneson KKS Software D2429
Jesse Spears
Chas Spillar Apple Computer, Inc CHAS.SPILLAR
Cassie St. Clair
Bill Stackhouse Internet CIS: 70303, 2546
Keith Stattenfield Apple Computer, Inc AL: Stattenfield
Daniel Stegman Exodus Software AL D0814
David Stegman Exodus Software AL D0814
Brigham Stevens Apple Computer Inc.
Shef Syed ZiffNet/Mac ZiffNet: 72511,75
Alan Dean Talbot Graphire Corp AL: Graphire
Marc Tamsky University of California at Santa Barbara U-banzai@mcl.uscb.edu
Mark Taylor Cybernet Systems Mark_j_taylor@um.cc.umich.edu
Ben Templin Ziff-Davis Corp ziffnet:72511,35
David Thompson DEFT AL: DEFT
Michael Throckmorton CIS 72220,1611
Neil Ticton MacTutor Magazine
Rex Timbs Comshare
Richard Trismen Object Media AL trismen.d
James Ullrey Inresco AL: Ullrey
Evert Van Raden
Mary Van Raden
James Vorbau Nationwide Insurance AOL: JAMES V 43
Nilay Vyas Masters Publishing
Benjamin Waldman Microsoft Corp AL: D5232
James Walker 76367.2271@compuserve.com
Jeff Walker Walksoft
John Wallace Fluent Software JWallace@hatch.socal.eom
Sheila Wallace Fluent Software
Erik Walter Wright State University
Steven Waltner Bethel College
Jon Wätte Swedish Royal Institute of Technology h+@nada.kth.se
Carol Weagel
Jay Weiss Beta Site AL D0467
Mark Welch New Media New Media (on AL)
Joel West Palomar Software AL DO619
Steven Weyl Apple Computer, Inc. weyl
Cyril White Cybernet Systems cyril_white@um.cc.umich.edu
John White Institute for Learning Sciences white@ils.nwu.edu
Jon Wind CIS 70167,3444, GEnie JPWIND
Eric Wolf University of Michigan - CAEN
Jim Wolff
Bill Worzel Arroyo Software AL: Arroyo
Ed Wynne University of Michigan - CAEN
Eric Yeh
Eric Yeh
Steven Yockey
Dean Yu Apple Computer, Inc. AL: Nerm
Steven Zellers Sixxe Heads Software Zellers@Sun.Soe.Clarkson.edu; CIS: 75460,1375